Tour Happy Harbor

Happy Harbor Kids’ Area

If you have kids, you want them to be happy. If you’re a parent and have been at a theme park on a long hot summer day, you might need a break. So why not take the kids to a place where you could combine both?

Pirate Ship at SeaWorld Ohio
Cap’n Kids World

Cap’n Kids World

The original kids area at SeaWorld of Ohio was called Cap’n Kids World. Pirates and kids: it’s a common theme. Maybe it’s the influence of adventure stories or Peter Pan that first brought the two together. Regardless, if you’re going to have pirates, you need to have a ship. SeaWorld of Ohio delivered, with a play area, climbing nets and a pirate ship.

The kids area was reimagined after SeaWorld was purchased by Anheuser-Busch in the late 1980s.

Climbing Nets and Slides
In the early 1990s, a multistory system of climbing nets was installed in SeaWorld Ohio’s kids area
View from Happy Harbor Climbing Nets

Happy Harbor

The updated kids’ area was known for its Caribbean theme.

Toy Shop below the Happy Harbor Climbing Nets

Seating Area outside Harbor Cafe at Wildwater Kingdom Ohio

Wildwater Kingdom

Despite reducing the size of park, the remaining Happy Harbor area was expansive

Happy Harbor
This marker stands in front of the walled off Happy Harbor area.
Walkway to Happy Harbor Area
Walkway to Shamu’s Happy Harbor
Repurposed Kids Area with Buildings from SeaWorld Ohio

Thunder Falls